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(火)10 『ダメな私に恋してください』 【TBS】
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[2015 Musical] TV Promo on 1億人の大質問!?笑ってコラえて!

Watch here (Mio Mio)

She really loves to go on variety shows that don't require her talking= =". She's a pretty outgoing person, but too timid in front of people (?!). A pretty typical Asian girl :P.

The most interesting part of this promo was the beginning when people are trying to guess who the guest was:
"Goddess, too wonderful"

"In her fridge, she stocked up soy sauce and wasabi from convenient store in well organized manner"
lol what....? Then they have to mention Jinnai's probable announcer girlfriend hahaha

Guest's special hint: "special skill is swimming"
She started when she was 2 years old - she was apparently no. 1 in the school and that part of Tokyo when she was in Junior highschool O_O. She really loves swimming. She might have become a s pro swimmer or swimming teacher if she didn't become an actress...

"Cyborg - hasn't changed at all"
(To me, she changed a lot.... she kept her looks quite youthful, and her beauty is unchanged, yet, every time she change her style (hair, make up, fashion), she adds new charming points to herself.
She is much better than the 叶姉妹 (kano shimai) LOL not even on the same level!

"When she was a kid she said "How are you" (*elegant form*). Rich/upper class lady"
Jinnai was close- Kuroki Hitomi - Fukakyon has mentioned she wants to become someone like her and the two are pretty good friends

"school nurse- wants to get a body check up from her. Wants to be measured the breast width from the back by her. Tell her 'don't need to measure just with the eyes, wants her to hug me' "
HAHAHA Since when r Japanese guys this open on camera :P
I gotta say, I totally get them ;)
Jinna guessed Uedo Aya - the two does some how gives off the same feeling at times

Guest's special hint : "Her hobby now - surfing"
hahahaha seriously... not a really good hint.

"Feels like an empress/queen. Suit the 'muchi' (soft and nice to pinch) feeling" - then Tomonori Jinnai got it right.
LOL the critical clue was "muchi"
They probably have even more obvious hints later on - like 'KAWAII' or 'like a princes' or 'Doronjo sama' - hahaha this already took pretty long though.

Afterward is a bunch of different documentaries that I have no interests in :P
They decided to follow new announcers in their first year of entering the TV company. Showcased Kyoko chan's debut - at Horipro Scout Campaign back in 1996 when she was 13 years old. She was so cute already back then <3. She said she was so nervous, didn't even know how to move is best. (of course, the winner of this competition gets to be big stars in the future like Kyoko chan is now and before her, there's Suzuki Honami, then after her there's also Ayase Haruka and Nishihara Satomi).

At last- the promo XD

This and the one I posted last night are the 2 TV appearance I know thus far for this week - hopefully she goes on more shows on TV as the dates to the musical draws near!
She's gonna appear in 2 magazines this Sunday - I will keep you posted ;)

I just started on my 24 pages care plan now... I'm so not gonna be able to sleep tonight >"<.
Wish me luck
Sore Ja,
Bye Bye~ ★

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