Rediscovering Fukada Kyoko's Past and Explore Her Future
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New Photobook for this year!
It's called Down to Earth Another (on Amazon for a few days now and is already marked as "人気”aka "popular")
Supposed to release on 2015/7/5.
I think I mentioned it in the Radio interview Kyoko chan did in the beginning of the month.
It is going to consist of photos Kyoko chan took in Hawaii last year for Down to Earth but was not released because of limited pages. (It was already a relatively thick photobook - fans were VERY happy with it).
So funny!
Fukakyon finally won the prize, but this time... they are giving away a bunch of industrial materials that she doesn't know how to use HAHAHAHA
The quiz was about this employee's baseball position (whether he stands on the right or the left side of the home base O_O)
The rival dog answered "right" so Kyoko chan guessed "left" lol- of course, she's right.
Cute <3
I really, really love her voice.
I love these intimate little interviews that actually digs into her private life rather than doing a bunch of variety show shit that I don't care about. I am so glad someone recorded it, cut it, and put it on Youtube. From the bottom of my heart, I am super thankful to the uploader.
The talks today gave us a little more details on why she decided to apply to Horipro Scout Caravan (I kept calling it campaign lol.). Her dad apparently was working on the set (? or something, I don't understand the Japanese at this part). He doesn't work in the industry, though. She went there to visit him and got the attention of someone from Horipro suggesting her to try to enter the contest.
She also mentioned how she wanted to be a singer like Shinohara Tomoe, but because she's too scared to sing in front of a lot of people, she ultimately chose to stick with acting. She also said she took (picked?) the small, unnoticeable roles when she started up (in FIVE and News Caster - seriously unnoticeable lol, but she's so cute, so I bet someone noticed her). In Sore Ga Kotae Da, she's already shining through- Horipro just couldn't wait to push her to the top. ;)
I love how much they talked about her past. How she was good at sports (like the winning running , track and field competition). How she wanted to become a swimming teacher (*drool* that wouldn't have been bad, either). Apparently, she has a new photobook coming out in July O_O?! Consisting of photos that were taken in Hawaii, but wasn't included in her last photobook (published in December,2014 - like barely half an year ago...) Really? What is Horipro thinking?! I mean, she sells her images (photos, cards, books, posters, etc) very well... but u don't have to exploit the love of her fans...Nothing good comes out of having too many photobooks on sale within a short period of time. She seemed to not even know about it, when asked, she took a really (I mean REALLY) long pause. For a second, she is confused about this new photobook, it sounds like...
I look forward to it! I will support whatever she is in :D
I finally finished most of my homework (now just referencing left). I will have some time to cut some videos of her, write some new songs, arrange an orchestral piece (like I planned), and stalk her some more lol.
Tomorrow, I gotta go talk to the academic advisor to sort out my tuition... I don't know why I didn't take this summer off= =" I am not going to be getting 2 month vacation in the summer again... AH~ dumb me.
Can't wait to see / hear news of Kyoko chan again!
She really loves to go on variety shows that don't require her talking= =". She's a pretty outgoing person, but too timid in front of people (?!). A pretty typical Asian girl :P.
The most interesting part of this promo was the beginning when people are trying to guess who the guest was:
"Goddess, too wonderful"
Kyoko Chan KAWAII~
Her picture for news conferences may not always turn out great. The CM she's in could have over corrected her face.
Once she's on a variety show with a decent dress, she is that extremely gorgeous Fukakyon again :D