I have a feeling, this manga turned drama is gonna be filled with "teenage girl heart" and "food porn" XD
Fukakyon is too cute for words here !!! <3
Lots of things happened in the first episode. The background story and plot were laid out pretty fast O_O I was kinda surprised. Many manga fans also said they were surprised how fast the storyline progressed. I felt like to pack the whole story in, some parts jumped a bit abruptly. Anyways, at the end, I am impressed at how much info was actually packed into 1 hour O_O see the recap, and you'll know:
Fukakyon channeled her ultra cuteness and totally made this unbearable 30 year-old heroine lovable. I mean, she's retarded, but we gotta admit, there are people who does these retarded things. She is a bit extreme, but in real life, girls do crazier things for "love"...
**Spoilers ahead (Maybe)**
The 30 years old heroin, Shibata Michiko has recently lost her job when the CEO of the company ran away (vanished). She does not have any special skills, licenses, certificates, etc, with her age, she has failed all attempts to find employment in an office. (She wasn't shown trying for other jobs. Unlike all manga heroins tho, no one in this drama criticized her looks hahaha- she's too pretty :D
She is using all her money to maintain her young "boyfriend" , more like he's just using her as his ATM. She said it is for love... if you watch the drama, you'd be so pissed...
Here when she hung out with her previous co-workers:
This 23 years old girl was like "I'm not young anymore. I'm ALREADY 23, 3!!!" LOL - that's exactly how I felt about my age :P
(to be honest, though, it IS too YOUNG for marriage...)
but in the eyes of Shibata, she was like:Living with credit card debt is SO.... don't do it, the interest rate will suffocate you. It will consume you and eat you alive (19.99%... it's probably only better than loan shark).
It was pretty obvious that this guy is a total gold digger... He wanted to live with ease... and when Shibata asked what she is like to him, he answered "his family dog" WTF?! So many would die to be Kyoko chan's BF!!! She looks super cute here. And her hurt/ridiculed face is actually hilarious (sorry...)
Living in extreme poverty made Shibata gave up pride as a human and decided to pick up a cat's canned food just to eat some meat. (wow. woman...). On a side note, though... aren't these more expensive than human canned food?! .... pets foods are quite pricy....
The moment of shame was witnessed by her previous boss/manager (Kurosawa / Shunin/ Master) , who was very strict and abusive LOL (he later explained himself doing that because he was unhappy about office job). She tried to run away upon seeing him, her "predator" (this Japanese phrase means "biggest enemy", "natural enemy"), she tried to escape.
I don't know if it was just me, but then when Master first saw her, he smiled warmly. He actually approached her warmly. That led me to think if he already liked her?
One thing about her character is that she does verbal diarrhea and is quite frank lol. She suddenly started confessing her failures and cried for MEAT hahahahaha OMG. TOOO FUNNY!!!
"I want to eat MEAT!!!" a meat lover like me feel this way all the time :P
If a girl this cute ask you for meat, would u just leave her there? NO~~~ you'll drag her to your cafe and feed her Omlette rice - with "dame" = "useless" written on top with ketchup ;)
He nicely offers her a job which offers free food. I mean, for all foodie, isn't that the dream? She tried to resist, but the only question she managed to ask was "Meat?" when the reply was positive, she agreed instantly LOOL. When Master's girl friend, Akira came in and made a scene about him quitting an office job and opening up a cafe, Fukakyon's reaction is the best hahaha!
"This is the first time I see this. Shuraba?"
Of course, NO girl friend would be ok with her boyfriend quitting a decent job to open a cafe without discussing thoroughly with her. Akira then breaks up with the Master in that scene.
Shibata said to the Master that "the path to marriage is very difficult" LOL Master hits right back at her saying "no job, no money, no boyfriend" then he poked her forehead. Aww.... it's such an annoying action, but why does it look so sweet.
The Master had his wild days. He looks gorgeous as a ex-gangster!! He apparently saved a bunch of gangsters in front of this very cafe, so he had a loyal following O_O.
Shibata: "What are we going to eat?"
HAHAHA so honest :D (simple and easy)
At the izakaya, Akira showed her great personality. She is charismatic: honest, frank, funny = I already love this character (and somewhat wished Master would just marry her(?!))

Now, a lesson for everyone, when discussing age, you always have to say "you don't look that age". Here, Akira is teaching Shibata on reading the cues HAHAHAH.
Akira "if you round it with the rule of 5 then I'm 40"
Shibata "can't see that" (meaning you don't look that age)
Then Akira went and protest that Master is a very gentle person. Not the abusive person Shibada thought he is.
It was then revealed that Shibata has never been able to date a person for a long duration and is a virgin. (She defended by saying she wanted to wait for the special person... then it becomes hard for her to say it...)
Akira suggested to her that she must have a boyfriend at her age, or else, she'd run low on hormones and she'd look dried up... (seriously?!)
Then Akira was like "aw... poor you... how could I complain in front of someone so pathetic" wow... lol this was a bullet in the heart right there..
After the super fast get to know each other dinner, Shibata was on Akira's side saying to Master:
"This is a crime, you criminal!!"
It's a sin to keep dating a girl, not marry her, then break up when she's in mid 30's. SO TRUE
Shibata is called out by her young bf, Junta. He told her that his mom is in the hospital and he needs 1 million (JPY). (hello, bells ringing, no?!)
I gotta buy one of these , so I can reach things without getting out of bed or walking LOL
As a great girlfriend (ATM), she borrowed money from Money Tree looking place to "help" her bf.
Master noticed something's up with Shibata during work. She spilled out that she borrowed 1 million and gave it to her bf.... He then goes "why do you think he's not lying?"
Shibata then said what I found to be one of the best lines (classic!):
"his whole face is nice/gentle. He uses his face to support me" LOLOLOLOL wow. I'm sure all the girls around the world who had been a fan girl knows what this means :P
Master :" You only like his face, right? Are you a highschool girl?!"
To pay back her loans, Shibata has to go work in a costume club (lol wow... ) Fukakyon is too cute! But the fake age... well, no body would find out.
A walk in the park ~ Shibata found the cat that she took the can away from lol. So CUTE!!! The two r so adorable!!!
Master then came and ask Shibata to help/save herself before she tries to save others. Shibata then used this opportunity to ask Master to adopt the cat, which he gave in. Shibata then goes on and said she's got no immunity towards those cute eyes.
The scene then cut to her bf again... he is now asking for more money. This time for his mother's medications cost. However, he messed up on his story saying his dad is also sick (last time he said his dad was dead ---- oops!) Apparently, Shibata isn't so stupid as to not pick that lie up... she just chose not to disbelieve.... silly woman. She even mocked in her mind "oya oya, your family background is a bit weird, Junta"
These scenes here reminded me of the 2007 dramas Fukakyon was in. She really hasn't aged much...
Honestly... I don't find him attracted at all...
Today, at the costume club, the perverted rich man finally offers to give her tip, but he demands to take her out of the store. Shibata at first was determined to get the money, but then she couldn't get herself to do it. (We all know, she cares about the face LOL).
The perv, actually said something pretty true, He said " I knew you were after my money, yet I am still willing to date you" - isn't it really sad but true....
After tamed refusals were useless against this perv, Shibata finally called out for help.
Guess what~? Master is here~ he had Terry followed her and Terry called him to quickly come to her rescue after knowing where she is working part time at. He then followed her all the way.
Throughout this episode, she kept calling Kurosawa "shunin" (manager), and he had to correct her multiple times to call him "Master". LOL here when he came to her rescue, she asked "is that important right now?" He jumped right down and dragged her away <3
A bridge, a lit, romantic bridge is always present in dramas :P Here, Shibata expressed her loneliness and her complex. She is frustrated that she cannot even do what all normal people could. Master then informs her that everyone is trying their very best to live a normal life. It's just no one would show it. (That's Japanese culture for you...)
Finally, Shibata noticed Master is only wearing slippers. He rushed to her rescue as soon as Terry informed him of her night job.
She then said he is like her idol- Medical rangers.
After they're back to the cafe. Master demands Shibata to quit her night job and gave her 1.5 Million to pay back her loans and get back on her feet. He even offers to let her live upstairs in the guest room. She was like "you're asking me to live with you?"
Master then quickly said "I'm going to use you as a slave"
HAHAHA- can't wait to see their future interactions.
Shibata's classic mockery : "Why do I feel so gross, your gentleness?" I think this is one of the attractive points of her character, the none stop mockery :P
Then starts Shibata's new life~
Master fed her well - in order to make her work hard :D
Akira and Shibata's friendship is going to be one of the best~ I hope she finds someone before Master falls in love with Shibata.
I found it weird though... Shibata already calls Akira "one-san"( "older sister"), I'm not watching Korean drama, am I... They got close so quick, I'm a bit shocked.
Akira thenbutts into her business *cough* I mean, helps Shibata to get her money back from the fraud, Junta.
Master sent Terry to help. It was very effective.
After the money is returned (all the gifts.... well, I guess Shibata doesn't mind...), Shibata gathered courage and asked Junta if he ever had feelings for her... OMG girl...
All he said was "sorry"
Shibata, realizing the reality, said "I see. I'm already a 30 years old auntie, eh"
JERK, JERK, JERK, JERK!!!! Why do these people exists among us!!!!
Looking at that garbage's back Shibata commented " that backpack fits him so well". My heart breaks for this idiot... really :(
Shibata offers to help Akira get back together with Master. Akira then informed her that she is not No.1 in his heart and she forced him to be with her to begin with. (Akira is so cool!!!) With all the interaction Master had with Shibata, I really felt like Master already liked Shibata... but I don't know about love especially when it's been more than 7 years. Guess that No.1 is the lady shown at the end of the episode.
Akira then said a classic line " All woman in love are teenage girls" OMG. So True hahaha.
Shibata is curious about who Master likes, but Akira didn't tell her. Instead, Akira said if Shibata and Master date, they would be an interesting couple - hey, hey... why would you do that to yourself?! Being friends with bf's ex-gf is .... VERY IFFY!!!
Shibata's facial expression here is priceless hahaha
Shibata then FLAGGED herself by saying
"even if the sun comes out from the west, I wouldn't do that"
Just wait and see... You belong with Master :D
Shibata returned the money to Master as soon as she got back. Master then stroke her head gently (omg, I'm dying <3) and smiled. Shibata was pleasantly surprised that he actually smiles. He replied "Of course, I got the money I loaned back" LOL indeed. He has every reason to be happy.
Master then treated everyone to BBQ~
Shibata was curious about what Master would do after he gets drunk. Well, she's about to find out~
Why do I want to ship Shibata and Terry :P
Drunken act? We got our kiss at end of Ep1. Woah~ Fukakyon is really choosing all the skinship filled dramas nowadays?
Living in extreme poverty made Shibata gave up pride as a human and decided to pick up a cat's canned food just to eat some meat. (wow. woman...). On a side note, though... aren't these more expensive than human canned food?! .... pets foods are quite pricy....
The moment of shame was witnessed by her previous boss/manager (Kurosawa / Shunin/ Master) , who was very strict and abusive LOL (he later explained himself doing that because he was unhappy about office job). She tried to run away upon seeing him, her "predator" (this Japanese phrase means "biggest enemy", "natural enemy"), she tried to escape.
I don't know if it was just me, but then when Master first saw her, he smiled warmly. He actually approached her warmly. That led me to think if he already liked her?
One thing about her character is that she does verbal diarrhea and is quite frank lol. She suddenly started confessing her failures and cried for MEAT hahahahaha OMG. TOOO FUNNY!!!
"I want to eat MEAT!!!" a meat lover like me feel this way all the time :P
If a girl this cute ask you for meat, would u just leave her there? NO~~~ you'll drag her to your cafe and feed her Omlette rice - with "dame" = "useless" written on top with ketchup ;)
He nicely offers her a job which offers free food. I mean, for all foodie, isn't that the dream? She tried to resist, but the only question she managed to ask was "Meat?" when the reply was positive, she agreed instantly LOOL. When Master's girl friend, Akira came in and made a scene about him quitting an office job and opening up a cafe, Fukakyon's reaction is the best hahaha!
"This is the first time I see this. Shuraba?"
Shibata said to the Master that "the path to marriage is very difficult" LOL Master hits right back at her saying "no job, no money, no boyfriend" then he poked her forehead. Aww.... it's such an annoying action, but why does it look so sweet.
To market the opening of the cafe, Master forced Shibata to wear this sun flower outfit. Shibata threatened "I would curse you" ~~~ah~~~ adorable. In the end, her heart is tender, when it was revealed one of the gangster, Terry hand made the costume, she obediently puts it on. She looks super cute in this costume - she's probably the only one that could look this cute in that...
Shibata is then asked out (oops, but seriously) by Akira for a drink. She refused because she doesn't have any money. As soon as Akira said "I'll treat" -Shibata: "What are we going to eat?"
HAHAHA so honest :D (simple and easy)
At the izakaya, Akira showed her great personality. She is charismatic: honest, frank, funny = I already love this character (and somewhat wished Master would just marry her(?!))

Now, a lesson for everyone, when discussing age, you always have to say "you don't look that age". Here, Akira is teaching Shibata on reading the cues HAHAHAH.
Akira "if you round it with the rule of 5 then I'm 40"
Shibata "can't see that" (meaning you don't look that age)
Then Akira went and protest that Master is a very gentle person. Not the abusive person Shibada thought he is.
It was then revealed that Shibata has never been able to date a person for a long duration and is a virgin. (She defended by saying she wanted to wait for the special person... then it becomes hard for her to say it...)
Akira suggested to her that she must have a boyfriend at her age, or else, she'd run low on hormones and she'd look dried up... (seriously?!)
Then Akira was like "aw... poor you... how could I complain in front of someone so pathetic" wow... lol this was a bullet in the heart right there..
After the super fast get to know each other dinner, Shibata was on Akira's side saying to Master:
"This is a crime, you criminal!!"
It's a sin to keep dating a girl, not marry her, then break up when she's in mid 30's. SO TRUE
Shibata is called out by her young bf, Junta. He told her that his mom is in the hospital and he needs 1 million (JPY). (hello, bells ringing, no?!)
I gotta buy one of these , so I can reach things without getting out of bed or walking LOL
As a great girlfriend (ATM), she borrowed money from Money Tree looking place to "help" her bf.
Master noticed something's up with Shibata during work. She spilled out that she borrowed 1 million and gave it to her bf.... He then goes "why do you think he's not lying?"
Shibata then said what I found to be one of the best lines (classic!):
"his whole face is nice/gentle. He uses his face to support me" LOLOLOLOL wow. I'm sure all the girls around the world who had been a fan girl knows what this means :P
Master :" You only like his face, right? Are you a highschool girl?!"
To pay back her loans, Shibata has to go work in a costume club (lol wow... ) Fukakyon is too cute! But the fake age... well, no body would find out.
A walk in the park ~ Shibata found the cat that she took the can away from lol. So CUTE!!! The two r so adorable!!!
Master then came and ask Shibata to help/save herself before she tries to save others. Shibata then used this opportunity to ask Master to adopt the cat, which he gave in. Shibata then goes on and said she's got no immunity towards those cute eyes.
The scene then cut to her bf again... he is now asking for more money. This time for his mother's medications cost. However, he messed up on his story saying his dad is also sick (last time he said his dad was dead ---- oops!) Apparently, Shibata isn't so stupid as to not pick that lie up... she just chose not to disbelieve.... silly woman. She even mocked in her mind "oya oya, your family background is a bit weird, Junta"
These scenes here reminded me of the 2007 dramas Fukakyon was in. She really hasn't aged much...
Honestly... I don't find him attracted at all...
Today, at the costume club, the perverted rich man finally offers to give her tip, but he demands to take her out of the store. Shibata at first was determined to get the money, but then she couldn't get herself to do it. (We all know, she cares about the face LOL).
The perv, actually said something pretty true, He said " I knew you were after my money, yet I am still willing to date you" - isn't it really sad but true....
After tamed refusals were useless against this perv, Shibata finally called out for help.
Guess what~? Master is here~ he had Terry followed her and Terry called him to quickly come to her rescue after knowing where she is working part time at. He then followed her all the way.
Throughout this episode, she kept calling Kurosawa "shunin" (manager), and he had to correct her multiple times to call him "Master". LOL here when he came to her rescue, she asked "is that important right now?" He jumped right down and dragged her away <3
A bridge, a lit, romantic bridge is always present in dramas :P Here, Shibata expressed her loneliness and her complex. She is frustrated that she cannot even do what all normal people could. Master then informs her that everyone is trying their very best to live a normal life. It's just no one would show it. (That's Japanese culture for you...)
Finally, Shibata noticed Master is only wearing slippers. He rushed to her rescue as soon as Terry informed him of her night job.
She then said he is like her idol- Medical rangers.
After they're back to the cafe. Master demands Shibata to quit her night job and gave her 1.5 Million to pay back her loans and get back on her feet. He even offers to let her live upstairs in the guest room. She was like "you're asking me to live with you?"
Master then quickly said "I'm going to use you as a slave"
HAHAHA- can't wait to see their future interactions.
Shibata's classic mockery : "Why do I feel so gross, your gentleness?" I think this is one of the attractive points of her character, the none stop mockery :P
Then starts Shibata's new life~
Master fed her well - in order to make her work hard :D
Akira and Shibata's friendship is going to be one of the best~ I hope she finds someone before Master falls in love with Shibata.
I found it weird though... Shibata already calls Akira "one-san"( "older sister"), I'm not watching Korean drama, am I... They got close so quick, I'm a bit shocked.
Akira then
After the money is returned (all the gifts.... well, I guess Shibata doesn't mind...), Shibata gathered courage and asked Junta if he ever had feelings for her... OMG girl...
All he said was "sorry"
Shibata, realizing the reality, said "I see. I'm already a 30 years old auntie, eh"
JERK, JERK, JERK, JERK!!!! Why do these people exists among us!!!!
Looking at that garbage's back Shibata commented " that backpack fits him so well". My heart breaks for this idiot... really :(
Shibata offers to help Akira get back together with Master. Akira then informed her that she is not No.1 in his heart and she forced him to be with her to begin with. (Akira is so cool!!!) With all the interaction Master had with Shibata, I really felt like Master already liked Shibata... but I don't know about love especially when it's been more than 7 years. Guess that No.1 is the lady shown at the end of the episode.
When she said " I really wanted to be Kurosawa Akira" I felt SO SAD for her...
Shibata smiles realizing Akira has a teenage girl heart <3Akira then said a classic line " All woman in love are teenage girls" OMG. So True hahaha.
Shibata is curious about who Master likes, but Akira didn't tell her. Instead, Akira said if Shibata and Master date, they would be an interesting couple - hey, hey... why would you do that to yourself?! Being friends with bf's ex-gf is .... VERY IFFY!!!
Shibata's facial expression here is priceless hahaha
Shibata then FLAGGED herself by saying
"even if the sun comes out from the west, I wouldn't do that"
Just wait and see... You belong with Master :D
Shibata returned the money to Master as soon as she got back. Master then stroke her head gently (omg, I'm dying <3) and smiled. Shibata was pleasantly surprised that he actually smiles. He replied "Of course, I got the money I loaned back" LOL indeed. He has every reason to be happy.
Master then treated everyone to BBQ~
Shibata was curious about what Master would do after he gets drunk. Well, she's about to find out~
Why do I want to ship Shibata and Terry :P
Drunken act? We got our kiss at end of Ep1. Woah~ Fukakyon is really choosing all the skinship filled dramas nowadays?
Can't wait for next ep!!!! I wrote too much, I see.... please understand. hahah love Fukakyon too much.
Anyhow, story wise it's a bit cliche and predictable. The plot progression is a bit choppy, maybe because they are trying to streamline it. This ep had everything in the initial promos... the promo for next ep already show Shibata and Master dating ???!!!
I know I didn't mention supporting male actor - but he really only showed up twice this ep.... Will be more important in next ep.
Ah~ I'll follow this drama for Fukakyon alone, the script actually isn't too bad at all~ looking forward to next Tues :D
Everyone~ u shouldn't miss this!!!
Sore Ja~
Bye Bye~★
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