This week, we started with where we've left off from last episode - Shunin rejecting Shibata's proposal lol. They are so cute~~~!!!
In this episode, we finally are going to deal with Shunin's feelings towards Haruka and how he is slowly being moved by Shibata~~~
Warning though... this episode gets more and more heavy as it progresses. You can see that they are wrapping all the lines up and resolving the final conflict/plot.
The series are going to end next week :'( even though I really want to watch more. I agree this is the correct number of episodes given how fast the storyline is moving forward and how much is left from the published contents of the manga. I'd totally be down for another season or SP though :D
Rating is pretty stable, dropped a little this week, but I mean, last week was like REALLY GOOD.
*9.0__*9.3__*8.2__*9.8__*8.7__10.1__*9.6__10.3__*9.7 (Avg = 9.41).
So it did pretty well. Ganbade~ Kyoko chan!!!

this is my favourite smile :) her classic~

and the smile that breaks my heart...

Fukakyon showed a lot of heart warming smiles that I really LOVE and a lot of classic saddening/heart breaking smiles... This episode gave her a good chance to show off her acting chops ;) This character is perfect for her. I can't imagine anyone being Shibata.
Let's get started!~~~
Shunin's "Yada yo~" was so adorable LOL the way he rejected her straight on making it like she's just pulled a joke on him or something.... this is a hurtful way of rejecting people by the way... unless it's in this scenario where Shibata basically just asked out of no where lol.
To give him an incentive to marry herself, Shibata offered him 500 yen (= $4) HAHAHAHAHA. Of course, he took it as transit cost and said "I will not marry you, definitely NOT!"
Of course, even Shibata feels awkward lol... girl... being an idiot in love/relationship isn't easy... I know :/ . So she did what she thought was best, pretending to be asleep and just leaned on Shunin <3 After resisting a little, Shunin eventually let her and smiled (aw~~~~ it's these small details~~~~)
When they got to their stop, he couldn't wake her up (I was like she was pretending?! didn't fall asleep for real?!) To make her wake up, he said "if you wake up, I'll marry you."
HAHAHA dumb Shibata woke up right away (really?! I would've totally fallen asleep... although, it must be doki doki when you lean on your crush's shoulder :D)
Back at Sunflower cafe, Shibata was sharing how Shunin said so many nice things about her, inserting "youthful/young" in there which Shunin refuted right away (darn it~!)
Terry, noticed the difference~ He pointed out that Shunin never smiled like he does now throughout all these years he knows him. To which, Shunin just said "she's an idiot and all I could do is laugh/smile" hahaha, we know u like to put it in such mean terms, but we sensed the underlying message ;)
When Shibata suggested Shunin to learn how to make pizza from the sub master (elderly customer whose name I can never remember). He pulled that "Yada yo" again~~~ lol MOE~~~ so cute!!!
She's again annoyed at the way he said it of course ;D
"what was I doing? Ghost/devil, couldn't you have been more gentle when you rejected me?!"
Shibata started thinking that even when a girl propose, she has to consider the location and stuff (LOL of course! WTH girl~~~)
A5: (I think he's trying to say this) Silly human...
AH~~~Shunin is happy/giddy about the proposal :D (secretly ;) )
So Shunin does help Shibata get tooth paste :D she of course takes the opportunity to stay at him :)
If you wouldn't let me marry you, how about you marrying me?! HAHAHA In Asian culture, the "marry" word comes in two forms , one for the male or the family that the significant other marries into, the other one for the person marrying into that family. Here, since Shunin wouldn't take her in, she just asked if he'd like to be her bride LOL!
"in your dream!"
"I don't want to be a husband that works overtime for free"
"Finish off your meal quickly and go make some money, *don't know how to translate this* useless person"
Mogami is working hard and getting recognition as well, the glasses girl was like "the fish that one didn't catch is always the biggest one, but if you're able to say that, it was a nice relationship" Shibata was unsure if she was trying to comfort her lol. I like this girl :D
Now Mogami was passive aggressively letting out his hurt... (or to people he's just chatting like a friend would be...)
"I want to focus on work and use it to relief the pain from the breakup" ouch man...
I know that expression on Shibata too well...
Guys, if a girl breaks up with you... she's thought about it. Telling her or remotely making her feel guilty isn't gonna win a determined woman back...
Saying "I'm kidding" while all your expression/body languages says other wise doesn't make this better...
"Humans aren't good enough to fall in love/be in a relationship just to get married." *sigh*
The next second, she's suggesting Shibata to just "eat" Shunin LOL. In Asian countries, that means you um... eat means sex here basically :P
Akira - really, u should coach life to people
"Adults have many weapons: alcohol, tears, etc. Use whatever you've got and go crazy"
Yes sir! If I fall in love with someone, I hope I have the guts ...
Shibata came back to cafe/home drunk. And... Ate/bit Shunin literally LOL!!! Kyoko chan too cute!!! Can't miss this!!!
I kind of think this is one funny thing about human... especially those who are very capable... when there is someone who brings trouble or spice into their lives, they would fall for them. It's almost like God wants it to be fair. Sometimes, whoever hurt us or tortured us are the people we fall for... because they make the most impact in our minds :/
Between these two, it's super cute though :D
Shibata thought it was all a dream~ (damn girl, why can't u just pretend to sleep and let him stroke your hair!~~~)
He's like "so after you're drunk you're not a kissing-maniac, but a biting-maniac... How hungry are you, seriously?!"
She then replied "I've been hungry for 30 years" LOL <3
"Darn it, didn't eat him"
Akira (and really our response) upon knowing that Shibata ate Shunin literally.
She said how ex's can become best friends (please don't = =)
Then warned him that if he makes a 30+ yo woman more unfortunate than she is, he will be cursed. And a mature woman's curse is scary.
Upon seeing normal couples on the street Shibata realized that she should just ask Shunin to date her. When she finally gathered the courage to do so...
Of course! Haruka called! *roll eyes*
Oh no! Don't let go... (she had to... though...)
When he's out, she really couldn't stop thinking about what's happening between those two. He returned in the morning (A5 is adorable, but he's looking more and more annoyed LOL)
Shibata, after a night of waiting... finally came to conclusion that - it's not that she wanted to get married, she just likes Shunin's smile...
"I am in love..."
She then said it out loud "Should've just said this earlier..."
To cheer Shunin up, she offered to cook for him. Shunin styled Omelette :D
I love her smile here, totally reminds me of her Fugou keiji days (I think it's the hair style lol).
Shunin told her not to worry, cuz she can't be of help... Why do you always have to word things like this = =
*took a piece of egg shell out of mouth*
"It's for increasing calcium" HAHAHAHAH
Unfortunately, anything good about to happen between Shunin and Shibata must be interrupted by Haruko in this episode... :/
She has a legit reason to be sad, to be sick, and to be weak now though...
Her flower shop has to close and she might go bankrupt because an order for a wedding was cancelled due to the groom/bride being bankrupt... now she can't cover the cost incurred. Deadline of her loans are also coming to term...
After she fainted, Shunin took her upstairs and put her in Shibata's bed...
"You're tired, too right? You can sleep on my days for now" AH~~~~ Shibata, do it!!!
Haruko started calling out for Shunin's brother's name... Shunin then went up and held her hand... telling her not to worry. Shibata saw the whole thing right there...
Shibata had to hide her sadness when she went back to her room in the morning to get ready... that "O hai yo" (Good morning) makes me so sad :(
Shibata, came up with an idea to just help Haruko sell her flowers in the cafe now while she's in recovery and unable to go to work. Even though this can't help her with all the financial issues, it will at least make her feel better... AWW~~~ Shibata~~~
AND~ Shibata, being the really nice girl, went and came up with a proposal to gift flowers with their convenient simple vase (I actually think these are awesome) at Mogami's new conference to open new retail deal opportunities
"start new life with flowers"
He liked the idea - I do, too. Not just cuz it's Shibata, it's actually very nice. GJ!
Haruko was really happy of course.
Seeing how nice Shunin is to Haruko isn't easy on Shibata. Mogami saw all this and of course knows that Haruko is Shunin's crush/No.1...
Shibata was gonna treat Mogami to coffee when Shunin called Shibata upstairs to change for Haruko, Haruko broke into tears.
" I have decided to live well alone, but now I am causing everyone trouble"
Shibata then told her "It's not always a bad thing to rely on others" "Some people feel happy when people depend on them" --> so true...
Mogami finished the coffee Shunin served him, paid 500 yen and told Shunin (something that others should've already told him...)
"You probably know how Shibata feels about you, don't you?"
"Being nice and kind to everyone means that no one is really important to you"
"Knowing exactly who is the most important is the real kindness/gentleness. "
These two finally met again...
Akira still remembers which panties Mogami liked ;)
Shibata, seeing A5 and Christmas rose in the garden, started remembering all her sweet moments with Shunin...
Then she made up her mind...
Shunin thanked her for helping Haruko
"Haruko and I are both thankful to you"
"I am about to say something that are quite rude:"
"Shunin, you are a coward"
"Are you never going to tell Haruko how you feel?"
Shunin then said now is not a good time, she then refuted:
"Actually, Now is the time, say it now!"
"Are you afraid of being rejected?"
"Or are you still conflicted because of your brother?"
"Stop thinking about those complicated things"
"You like Haruko, right?"
"When the person you like is in pain/trouble, you want to help"
"Want to make her smile"
"You should tell her"
"that you fell for her"
"Then do what you are good at - protect her"
"You must take action now"
"Shunin you're a dame (useless) guy and you're super slow."
LOL And she act so relieved after she said all these. Then she told him to sleep earlier because he's an old man now and sleeping late will speed up the aging process...
omg... this scene actually is quite heart quenching...
Shunin asked her where she's going. She just replied that she has places to go to and thanked him for taking care of her...
Realizing she's really leaving for real, all Shunin could come up with was "the omelette you made was delicious... it energizes people" - basically what she said about his omelette back to her.
Just as he was going to go on and say something (that I assume is going to make her stay), Haruko came downstairs (O, man, dramas!!!!
Shibata then thanked Shunin for taking care of her (again) and gave this hearbreaking smile... OMGOMGOMG no no no no !!!!! T_T Fukakyon is delivering all those hurt in her eyes and her smile (which I actually really like and enjoy since 1997 *slap myself*)...
When Shibata was going out the door, Shunin ACTUALLY WANTED TO GO AFTER HER!!!! BUT....
WHAT~~~~Haruko stopped him~~~. I don't know, woman, I know you're weak, you needed someone, but right now?! U want to keep him NOW?! All my good feelings for you are gone! >:(
This makes me think, she was probably listening to the whole conversation between Shunin and Shibata... she knew Shunin was gonna say something so that's when she showed herself.... It is my suspicion, but, seriously, doesn't this just make so much sense?!
Shibata!!!! Don't let go now!!!! T_T Kyoko chan's portrayal of Shibata here was perfect. This character is perfect for her. She is perfect for Shibata.
Shibata waited for a little (probably to see if Shunin would chase after her) then said:
"Soga?" ("Is that so?")
"The omelette is delicious?"
"It energizes people?"
that heartbreaking smile, tears coming down her face and how she's trying to stop the tears and said to herself
"Let's go eat some meat!"
My heart hurts so much...
There's only 1 episode of time left. What's your thought on how they are going to end their story?
Share with me!!!
For now, I gotta go sleep :P (this post took long, as always)
Sore ja~
Bye Bye~ ★
I just want them get a real kiss.. a kiss for reconciled and realized each other feel.. not just a drunk kiss.. and lovey dovey scene that shunin will kiss shibata with a looooonnggg kiss, cuz so many thing that already hurt her heart..
ReplyDeleteI know right, shibata michiko is for Fukakyon.. and she is the only one who can describe this character so well..
thank you for your faster recap..
can you tell me faster subber for this drama, what torrent you used to download this drama with a HD quality such 720p or 1080p, i would love to know it.. please..
I wish they'd share a real kiss, too!!!
DeleteThis is the site I download from
Thank you for the recap. I love it. It's like reliving the episode all over again. I'm so jealous that you can understand Chinese and can read the real-time comments.
ReplyDeleteI was sad about this episode's ending, but I know that this is a necessary process for Shunin to confront his feelings about Haruko and Shibata. Thank goodness that there were lots of funny and positive moments to balance out the heavier ones. Shunin's two "Yada yo"s cracked me up. I didn't think I'd be laughing so hard at such a little thing, but the delivery and the timing were just so perfect. That biting scene as well. LOL, it's like somebody got a little confused by the difference between consummate and consume. :) Poor Shibata, it's true though that she has been "fasting" her whole life.
I love all the "Sunflower" crew moments in this drama. I hope that Shibata continues to spend time with them after moving out. Tama was saying that having one fiance is better than having multiple people willing to pose as your fiance, but I think that both are equally important in Shibata's life.
I have no idea what kind of ending we will get. There better be at least a proper hug, or I'm going to be flipping tables, LOL. Shunin getting mushy and sweet wouldn't make much sense, but calling Shibata "aho", or his latest epiteth of choice, "ponkotsu", and telling her that he wants her to stay by his side would be appropriate. A kiss that counts would make me beyond happy, but I'm trying not to get my hopes up too high.
You sound like you are fluent in Japanese, I wish I'm as good, then I wouldn't have to wait till the subs come out to give complete recap. I can kind of understand it, but not fully. I admit though, knowing Chinese gives me a good access to huge variety of resources online.
DeleteI love everyone in the drama, really. Having a little bit of iffy feeling with Haruko now... but I know this plot is necessary for Shunin to face his real feelings like you said ;).
A kiss that count would make us all happy :D Hopefully that's what they have lined up for us!
You sound like you are fluent in Japanese, I wish I'm as good, then I wouldn't have to wait till the subs come out to give complete recap. I can kind of understand it, but not fully. I admit though, knowing Chinese gives me a good access to huge variety of resources online.
DeleteI love everyone in the drama, really. Having a little bit of iffy feeling with Haruko now... but I know this plot is necessary for Shunin to face his real feelings like you said ;).
A kiss that count would make us all happy :D Hopefully that's what they have lined up for us!
I am positively sure that the ending will be a cliff-hanger. Because they are going to make an SP for the longer ending which will also be another cliff-hanger because the manga is still ongoing. I'm just looking at the bright side because I am hoping for season 2. Lol!
ReplyDeleteI don't know about season 2... but I'm definitely up for an SP or two. I mean, usually season two's quality are not as good as the first one. Ratings, although I don't really care, is really important to actor/actresses. If they shift this drama to another time slot and start season two in a year or so with original staffs/team, I'd be up for it though :D