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(火)10 『ダメな私に恋してください』 【TBS】
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[1997 JDrama] Sore Ga Kotae Da! ep 02 The Timpani Girl Always gets the Girl

In episode 2, I started to realize everyone ( not just Fukakyon) are cute (Mo e~~~)
Although Kyoko chan doesn't really get her own focused episode, she is like the main character among the students, triggering and connecting the events happening XD - Horirpo, GJ!

The timpani girl- Shoko chan ☆ (杉浦香奈子)  (I'm sorry about the shot being blurry, this shot was moving and the timpani girl was moving). Here, them standing together is scripted, but most of the time, the two are always chatting when either of them are the focus of the scene. Kyoko chan's bestie on the set of this drama, it seems. I am jelly!!! - well, her eyes are about my size hahaha, so I feel like I can imagine this is me. Too bad, she never becomes famous :(.
I also played the timpani in an orchestra for the majority of my time in highschool. I LOVE TIMPANI so much :D
These two have some really cute interactions in the drama.

[2015 KDrama] Lee Tae Im vs. Yewon Scandal - my 2 cents

I swear, I was studying... then got distracted by the news :P cuz I saw a name I recognized:
Lee Tae Im (below may abbreviate to LTI)! O_O"
I came to know her when I went back to Taiwan in 2010 (after highschool graduation). Yeah, time flies. At that time, she was the heroin in Don't Hesitate - a pretty good Korean drama (for the older people though haha, think it was a morning daily drama in Korea). It was airing on TV and right after I came back from Taiwan, I downloaded the whole series from Tudou and rewatched it.
Look~ how pretty she looked, how handsome the guy ( Lee Sung Woo) was, and how sweet the couple was?
Then after this drama, she started going changing into a sexy star and she didn't have much screen time on the following drama - so I lost my interest (and kinda forgot about her)


[2000 2Ch] Fukada Kyoko In My Room Radio Show Discussion Thread


I kept seeing 「それじゃあバイバイ。深田恭子でしたー」
on various 2Ch thread replies for Fukakyon's related topics.
So I went and dug up the show- can only find one recording. It's on Youtube. It's a really late radio show airing at 12am ish - from this discussion, you can see that people loved it AND think Fukakyon was from outer space/ other planets. Last one also expressed regrets not recording this program... AH~~~ I wanna hear more of
"Sore Ja, Bye bye。 Fukada Kyoko deshida~"
Mo e~~~ <3

Here is a full program recording (only one I can find...) starts around 0:16

[1997 JDrama] それは答えだ Sore Ga Kotae Da! ep 01 這就是答案!


I found it!!!! ~ I spent the whole night digging it up from some random baidu pan O_O"
I knew I'd be able to find it!
Anyhow~ fukakyon super cute!!! OMFG - I think I'm dying from the cuteness overload
She looks wayyyyyy more mature than her age though (she was 14 when she was acting in here, yet she already looks like how she looked in Kami sama mou sukoshi (well, to be fair, she was 15 in that) :P ---> maybe this is why we thought she looked the same and never ages hahaha


[1997 JDrama] それは答えだ (Sore ga Kotae da!) Regrets

NO!!!!! OMG !!! I can't believe myself!!!
I had the playlist saved so that I'd be able to download it ASAP...
Guess what?! I forgot about it till I saw a screen cap today.
FU!!! Youtube deleted it = =" aw... man!! I wanna watch it again, do some detail screen caps, and write about it!
It's a 1997 Japanese drama with a bunch of future stars in there (including Kyoko-chan)
I hate myself right now~ so much >"<


[2015 JDrama] Second Love Ep 07 完結篇 -總結 (終於吞完了...)

基本上這一集的走向很合理 也很老梗
其實到了這一步 也不用怕被雷了= = 因為其實結局也沒啥猜不到的...
我覺得這片只有七集 所以男女主愛上的過程是被壓縮的後果-只是其他支線是可以被壓縮的...一般觀眾最愛看的是愛上的過程,不是那些邊邊人物的故事或是男女主拉扯之類的(2.3集) 。大石靜,我完全無法說你是個劇作家,你是專寫少女言小的吧?!


反正看到這裡大家都是為了看臉, 真正在乎劇情的大概第二集就受不了了吧XD
這部片的邏輯突然間在第四集開始和現實接軌後才漸入佳境,前幾集的鋪陳重點根本是在拍MV 跟AV... 該帶過的地方拖泥帶水,該展開的地方輕描淡寫 我真的是...服了編劇
這樣以工作為主,自我中心,卻又才華洋溢的藝術家男主 還有 平凡,單親,大齡剩女的美女理科老師 是多麼真實,兩演員的表演讓這兩個腳色多了好多說服力
能撐起這樣的劇本 我真心的對龜梨 還有 深田 表示敬佩


[2015 JDrama] Second Love Ep 06 女主線的展開 *可能有雷*

挖X! 這集好好看!

女主線的完全展開~ 我雖然不了解女主這類人,但是讓深恭演起來好有說服力唷! 恭子醬真的是好美~~ 這集針退了 臉比較不僵 演技就表現出來了...雖然還是跟以前一樣面攤,可是眼神都好有戲 :D

我X的~ 我大深恭是可以給你這樣糟蹋的?! 有這樣的女友你不寵著就算了,還讓她獨守空閨?!