I found it!!!! ~ I spent the whole night digging it up from some random baidu pan O_O"
I knew I'd be able to find it!
Anyhow~ fukakyon super cute!!! OMFG - I think I'm dying from the cuteness overload
She looks wayyyyyy more mature than her age though (she was 14 when she was acting in here, yet she already looks like how she looked in Kami sama mou sukoshi (well, to be fair, she was 15 in that) :P ---> maybe this is why we thought she looked the same and never ages hahaha
The plot of the story was about this musician, Naruse Mochi (by 三上博史) whom I think looks very much like Yama P on the side O_O" He was in Propose Dai Sakusen (don't know if I spelt this right) hahaha, maybe the director did it on purpose :P Personally , I like him more than Yama P, maybe be cause he's better at acting or look more manly to me~.
Right, him, he was at a low point in his life as a musician / conductor due to his low EQ (his temper, I am guessing) - yes, I am only watching the parts w/ Fukakyon hahaha. But he was asked to help a middle school in this country side village to rebuild their orchestra (wow... such a task!). The drama is about his story with the school's teachers and students. How they grow together as they grow more and more in love with music.
First ep was just setting the back ground story. This ep has quite a bit of Fukakyon screen time :D Thanks, Horipro, for putting such effort to make her a star~ Kyoko chan did not disappoint her management company- she looked AMAZINGLY cute + pretty as a middle school student! I LOVE her in sailor styled uniform (omg... I'm into this kinda stuff O_O). There is also another person here from Horipro that definitely has more screen time overall in the drama than Kyoko chan, and that is Fujiwara Tatsuya San (the first from the right).
Fukakyon was NOT shown with the other students in the first scene - odd, but she got the solo shot :D
Her character, 和音 kazune is the best (or the only one that can actually play) violin player. - and she's the perfect student we all used to know ... (there's always this ONE girl that's like perfect in your school = =")
Basically, when a PE teacher came to teach music, he didn't even know they need to start with tuning XD (but he was kinda funny~ and kinda cute, he went on to become a really big name actor, too)
The female teachers in this drama were both quite beautiful, too. This one is more mature and I find her (羽田美智子) to not be as attractive as the other one, I'll mention below (Chie-chan by 酒井美紀).
Fukakyon was perfect for the role. She looks JUST LIKE an A+ student, the perfect girl. She looks so perfect <3 any one would agree she was great for the role. She reminds me of one of my elementary school friend. (Who is also pretty cute). She is tall, too :D Here, Fukakyon is obviously taller than the teachers already, and the tallest girl among the students (163cm is quite tall for a middle schooler... at her age, I was like 150 cm ish- but then I never got that tall anyways...) - this is probably another reason why she didn't get to act in many school dramas LOL she's taller than the teachers! I'm a bit glad she never grew much afterward - an actress taller than 165cm would have a very hard time acting with all the Johnny's actors O_O" Her acting skill definitely seemed quite good for her age and compared to all the other students. She was on the road to success for sure and it was obvious.
Fukakyon's character has to move to Tokyo and she has to transfer to another school (that looks wayyyy better than this one lol) but she doesn't want to leave her friends, plus, she only has one last year left- it might be hard to fit in. (I totally know how she feels...) This teacher was basically encouraging her to go with her dad and aim higher (because she's well, perfect ;) )
There were other actresses that caught my eyes in the first ep:
吉野紗香 - she looks kinda cute, but sadly the support actress looking face... :/ She did went on and become and heroin / main actress for a drama in 1999.
& of course
藤原紀香 - This was aired before Love Generation, so I think she wasn't famous yet. BUT who can stop her from being so sexy and attractive ^_<
These three guys~ tsk tsk~
This is Chie-chan (酒井美紀) I mentioned above - look~ she's so cute :D and Fukakyon was so much taller (and bigger O_O oops) than her wwwwww hahahahah- and looked more mature :P (in a good way).
Fukakyon's smile >////< *dies* Her smile looked the same even now O_O omfg, this girl's smile is the best!!!
When the teachers were talking about stopping the orchestra (club) all together, Kazune was very upset - here we can totally see how Fukakyon has no facial expressions O_O , but good eyes that conveys emotions... *sigh* she's naturally not able to move her facial muscles, seriously, people lol
The PE teacher then went to talk with her, by the river O_O - well, it's summer, why not. Am I the only one that thinks she looks almost as big in shape as that guy? hahahah BUT her cuteness is overwhelming.
oi, oi, Sensei, don't get the girl wet, the water is cold!
Quick reflex O_O I wonder how many times this scene was shot so she could catch the towel HAHAHA
She also sang in this scene ~ oh~ she was REALLY good at singing - I'm still mad that her management didn't give her singing training / lessons = = she would've been a good singer if she was trained. Instead, she was wasted in all those crappy dramas and bad song choices. You know, if you didn't train, you'd get worse at singing. I remember I used to be much better at it, but now, I got a lot worse.
Kazune still wants the orchestra to play in unity one day, just like the first time they tuned together (seriously? hahaha)
Then she asked the teacher to keep her moving plans a secret.
Then Kazune (or maybe Fukakyon?) started playing with the water, saying some really confusing (?!) words HAHAHA! I'm a perv, ignore me
<3 so pretty~
LOL this picture turned out pretty funny. It looks like the teacher was admiring Fukakyon's perfect face XD. Like "You're so kawaii~~~!!!"
After listening to the main character (Naruse)'s piano performance, she looked so excited(?) determined(?)
Then the following ep is still downloading... Seriously, Baidu pan is so slow = =" I swear, anything is faster than this 30 kb/s downloading crap it's giving me!
If I didn't remember it wrong, from this episode onward, Fukakyon had very little screen time until the last episode. So, I'm downloading that one first!
AH~~ I'm so happy now that my brain is filled with Fukakyon's face LOL! Before my bf thinks I'm crazy or worse, I'm gonna go :P
bye bye~ ★
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